On the Buddha Trail

Thought of putting all the links as an offshoot from the main topic..

I spent two wonderful weeks in some of the remotest villages in our country , also trying to find some answers to the unanswered questions that bother me. Found a few answers in the spiritual discussions i had along the way,had some adventures, met some veteran travelers, made some friends for life, encountered what is really India in the simple and ever cheerful villagers and got back to this busy modern ever connected world and still have lots of unanswered questions ??

Hope to see of your comments on them :)

Pics from this trip:


gita said…
I am amazed at your courage to go to a new place and enquire about the availability of accommodation. I know most of the people in the world are simple but I feel it is too much.
I wish I could do just this!!!
Anuradha said…
It's not as difficult as you think it to be. It's quite simple, you just need to take the first trip that way :). One gets the right vibes of a place and people as one goes along..

Anonymous said…
Thank you for writing. Enjoyed thoroughly! Keep exploring!

May be you will find this interesting :

theskymind said…
what were those questions? and what were the answers?
Anuradha said…
BT: thanks for your encouraging words , Will check the site.
Anuradha said…
Ganapathy: Questions and Answers are for onself to ask and realize.Can't do justice here, for e.g. why do we exist and what's our purpose while we are on this impermanent journey of ours...
Subhadip said…
Very nice vivid description: it makes those remote villages and towns come alive in the reader's mind. Cheers to your wanderlust!
Anonymous said…
Anu you're going to turn into one of my trophy friends ( you know -
where you say "and there's this friend of mine who travels all over the
world by herself, the things she must have seen etc" ):-)

Your blog is fantastic, I think there are so many people who've been inspired by it...

All the places I always wanted to go myself... oh well maybe some day...
Anonymous said…
Reading your blog makes me want to pack my bags and head out right away. If wishes were horses....

You have written the blogs very well. I think you are making all of us arm chair travellers. :)

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