It's one of the those times of the year when I miss being home.. I remember some of my most memorable X'MAS spent at Jamalpur and Calcutta while growing up. We would eagerly practice for the annual school concert where me and my sister sang for the School Choir and then wait for the month long winter break after that.. Winter vacation meant basking in the sun, reading books, fooling around and visits to friends and families and all the plum cakes and wine. Jamalpur, a small quaint little railway settlement created by British had a good bit of Anglo Indian population and so did Calcutta. I still remember the trips to the beautifully decorated New Market in Calcutta and to the bakeries- M.X D'gama and Nahoums and also the wait for the night drive to St Paul's Cathedral for the midnight mass in Calcutta or the celebration at Aunty Robert's house at Jamalpur. Years have flown by but the memories still linger ( wonder why as my previous post says !!) .. I baked myse...