
Questions that remain unanswered ...

Recently my 4 year old niece Anya lost her paternal grandmother who lived in the same house. Ever since the loss she has been asking questions that still remain a mystery to even all of human kind..
Questions like why do humans sleep (eyes closed) when they die ?
What is Heaven? What happens to a person when they go to heaven ? Who looks after them there ?
Will they come back to the world again (Reincarnation) ?

I am amazed that even a 4year old has the same questions that human beings have been struggling to find answers to for centuries..


Anonymous said…
True..some questions hav no answers.. sad to hear the loss :(
Oreen said…
really difficult to answer these to a kid. my son came up with similar questions but hasn't come across death in the family yet. when he does, i want to see if he is still unaffected and bored by it like he is with everything else.
Anuradha said…
Ah don't think kids are bored at all , or maybe grownups like you :) feel that way about them.. I really have fun and find kids a lot better to talk to !!

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