Kite Runner

Having read the book by Khaled Hosseini and loving every bit of it , seeing it on big screen ( I mean a 17 inch computer :) ) meant going in with a bit of prejudice. However, Marc Foster, the director of the film does justice to the actual story and his interpretation on big screen is a must watch. Both the young Afghani Child actors who portray Amir(Zekeria Ebrahimi) and Hassan (Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada) in their growing up years do a fabulous job. The cinematography is awesome with the hard stark mountains of Afghanistan (for a while I was transported to Spiti and Ladakh in India) though from what I have read most of it was filmed in China. It also has some wonderful village and market scenes and specially for someone from the Indian subcontinent you can live the scenes. Also loved the kite flying sequence.

Don't miss the movie, one of the really good ones coming out of hollywood ( dreamworks production) in the recent years. I am not writing about the storyline since I guess one would have already read the heartfelt story which doesn't seem like a work of fiction but you tend to become part of it, both the book and movie touch a chord and you are sure to come out with misty eyes!

Watch the trailer here and here's the Official KiteRunner Movie Site.

I am waiting for my break next month to read Hosseini's new book 'A thousand splendid suns" .


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